

Bioenergetic therapy is a psychotherapy that combines a focus on mind and body to increase your understanding of your life patterns, situations and difficulties, and support you to move towards healthier and happier ways of living.

Recent developments in neuroscience and trauma theory indicate that a therapy that works with the body as well as the mind, and includes a safe and trusting relationship with the therapist, can have transformative and lasting results.

About Bioenergetics

What is Bioenergetic Analysis?

Bioenergetic Analysis is a form of body-based psychotherapy that holds that your body is who you are, in the same way that your mind is who you are. Just as your life experiences are recorded in your mind, through your memories, beliefs and patterns of thinking, feeling and relating to others, they are also recorded in your body, through muscular tension, patterns of breathing and body sensation, high or reduced energy, physiological stress responses and sometimes pain and illness. Bioenergetic therapy therefore includes work with both mind and body to improve your health and wellbeing.


Bioenergetic Analysis was developed by Alexander Lowen in the USA from the 1950’s, based on and extending the work of Sigmund Freud and Wilhelm Reich.


A bioenergetic therapist will work with you to understand and resolve issues and patterns that you have carried forward with you from earlier in your life. This will include :

  • increasing your awareness of your feelings as they are experienced in your body
  • introducing you to exercises and movements to increase your aliveness and support expression
  • enlarging your capacity for managing strong emotions and working through these
  • expanding your understanding of yourself, your reactions and your ways of behaving & relating to others
  • building your strength and self-confidence
  • releasing tension in chronically contracted muscles
  • understanding your triggers
  • increasing your ability to deal with difficult feelings and life situations
  • providing you with support and understanding as you grow and make changes
  • developing a deeper knowledge and a more compassionate understanding of yourself

For further information about Bioenergetic Analysis, please refer to the websites: www.bioenergetics.org.nz and www.bioenergetic-therapy.org

About Kate

I live and work in Lower Hutt, near Wellington, New Zealand. I trained as a Bioenergetic Psychotherapist in the 1990’s. Since then I have worked in private practice, in an eating disorder treatment service, with parents of infants and young children and as an at-home mother.

I currently work in private practice. I am particularly interested in early attachment patterns, loss and grief, depression, stress, anxiety, eating and body image and issues that arise for parents in their interactions with their children.

I am a Certified Bioenergetic Therapist and have a Certificate in Counselling, a Postgraduate Certificate in Eating Disorders and a Master of Infant Mental Health degree. I am a member of the New Zealand Society for Bioenergetic Analysis, the International Institute of Bioenergetic Analysis, the New Zealand Association of Psychotherapists, and am a registered psychotherapist with the Psychotherapists’ Registration Board of Aotearoa New Zealand.









You can contact me :

By email   :  [email protected]

By phone  :  021 238 1106


I look forward to hearing from you